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Driver's License

Morgan County requires you to have a valid Georgia drivers license or ID card with a Morgan County address to process all transactions.

If you are moving to the county from out of county or out of state you must update your driver’s license before coming to our office.

The Georgia Department of Driver Services issues driver's licenses. Call (678) 413-8400 or visit the DDS website for more information.

Cancel Registration

Change Registration Address

If you moved within Morgan County you can change your address any one of the following ways:

Phone - Call us at (706) 342-0464 during business hours with the tag number(s) and new address.

Email - Email any of the Tag and Tax Clerks listed on our contact page. Include the tag number, new address and attach a copy of the registered owner's Georgia driver's license or Georgia ID.

Online - Visit the Georgia DOR's Online Service Center and select 'Change Address.' You must include a copy of your valid Georgia driver's license or ID card.

In Person - Bring a valid Georgia driver's license or Georgia ID card to the Morgan County Tag Office.

Renew On Time

Not receiving a renewal notice does not relieve the registered owner from the obligation to renew the vehicle’s registration by the due date. Penalties will not be waived because the owner did not receive a renewal notice. Contact us at (706) 342-0464 or by email to any tag and tax clerk listed on the contact page for a copy of the renewal notice or to receive total amount due. To ensure timely processing and to avoid penalties, carefully read the renewal notice and the enclosed insert for instructions and additional information. If a renewal is submitted without all the required information, it will be returned to the owner and tax/tag penalties will be applied.

Renew Vehicle Registration

Renewing Online.

Credit cards accepted online are American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. Note: The Georgia Department of Revenue charges a credit card convenience fee of 2.35% ($1 minimum fee) to use this service.

A tag cannot be renewed online if the vehicle:

  • Does not have a valid Georgia insurance policy, which must be electronically transmitted to the state database by the insurance company
  • Weighs over 8,500 pounds
  • Is covered by a Georgia Fleet insurance policy or a Georgia self-insured insurance policy
  • Currently has a specialty license plate that requires supporting documentation to renew (e.g., military, certified firefighters and amateur radio plates)
  • Registered owner has a change of address

Renewing by Mail

To ensure timely processing and to avoid penalties, carefully read the renewal notice for instructions and additional information. All renewal requirements must be met before the renewal can be processed. If a renewal is submitted without all the required information, it will be returned. Personal checks or money orders are accepted.

Mail renewal payments to:

Morgan County Tax Commissioner
P.O. Box 151
Madison, GA 30650

  • Make checks and money orders payable to Morgan County Tax Commissioner
  • If your check is dishonored by the bank, a service fee will be assessed in accordance with state law and federal guidelines. In providing a check as payment, you authorize electronic re-presentment if your check should return unpaid. Also, you authorize service charges and processing fees, as determined by law, to be debited from the same account via paper draft or electronic funds transfer.
  • Mailed-in renewal payments must be postmarked by the US Postal Service on or before the renewal date or tax and tag penalties will apply. If the renewal is received without proper payment or required documents, the renewal will be returned and the due date cannot be extended. Tax and tag penalties will apply.

Renewing In-Person

Payment methods include cash, personal checks, and money orders, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.

All card payments add a service fee, charged by Government Window, of 2.5% + $0.30 (for Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) or 3.0% (for American Express).

Insurance Requirements

Insurance cards are not acceptable proof of insurance coverage. Your insurance company is required to electronically transmit proof of insurance directly to the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) database.

Acceptable Proof of Insurance

When the Georgia registration system does not indicate valid proof of insurance, the following are acceptable (faxed copies are not accepted):

  • An original 30-day Insurance Binder with an effective date that is less than 30 days.
    • The original Declarations Page from your existing auto insurance policy if the vehicle purchase occurred within the last 30 days.
  • A Georgia Fleet insurance card with the words "Georgia Fleet" on it.
  • A Self-Insured insurance card and a Certificate of Self Insurance.
  • Your insurance card is still valid proof of insurance for:
    • Traveling in another state that may not have access to the Georgia database.
    • Exchanging information if you are involved in an accident.
    • Vehicles covered on a fleet policy.
    • Vehicles covered on a self-insured policy.

Veterans Plates

We offer many veterans plates, use the link below to view the plates and necessary requirements:

Most plates require you to bring a copy of your DD-214.

Upgrade Your Tag

  • The link provided will guide you to a list of available plate designs. Tags may be purchased at your county tag office or through Dept. of Revenue’s website.
  • Fees may vary depending on plate design.
  • Allow 30 Days for plates to be delivered via mail from the State DOR.
  • License Plate Samples: